
Refereed Journal Articles

Olson, B., Windels, S.K., Fulton, M., and R. Moen. 2014. Fine-scale temperature patterns in the southern Boreal forest: Implications for the cold-adapted moose. Alces 50:105–120. pdf

Fulton, M., J. Kamman, and M. Coyle. 2014. Hydraulic limitation on maximum height of Pinus strobus trees in northern Minnesota, USA. Trees 28(3): 841-848. pdf

Matthew M. Bischof, M.A. Hanson, M.R. Fulton, R.K. Kolka, S.D. Sebestyen, M.G. Butler. 2013. Invertebrate Community Patterns in Seasonal Ponds in Minnesota, USA: Response to Hydrologic and Environmental Variability. Wetlands 33(2): 245-256. pdf

Kathryn Amatangelo, M.R. Fulton, D.A. Rogers, D.M. Waller. 2011. Converging forest community composition along an edaphic gradient threatens landscape-level diversity. Diversity and Distributions 17: 201-213. pdf

Shalene Jha, P.A. Harcombe, M.R. Fulton, & I.S. Elsik. 2004. Potential Causes of American Beech decline in Wier Woods, TX. Texas Journal of Science 56(4): 285-298. Link.

Lin, Jie, P.A. Harcombe, M.R. Fulton , and R.W. Hall. 2004. Comparative analysis of growth and mortality among saplings in a dry Oak-Pine forest in southeast Texas. Texas Journal of Science 56(4): 299-318. Link.

Lin, Jie, P.A. Harcombe, M. Fulton, and R.B.W. Hall. 2004. Sapling growth and survivorship as affected by light and flooding in a river floodplain forest. Oecologia 139(3): 399-407. pdf

Harcombe, P.A., C.J. Bill, J.S. Glitzenstein, M. Fulton, P.L. Marks, and I.S. Elsik. 2002. Stand dynamics over 18 years in a southern mixed hardwood forest, Texas, USA. Journal of Ecology 90(6): 947-957. pdf

Lin, Jie, P.A. Harcombe, M. Fulton, and R.B.W. Hall. 2002. Sapling growth and survivorship as a function of light in a mesic forest of southeast Texas, USA. Oecologia 132: 428-435. pdf

Fulton, M.R. and P.A. Harcombe. 2002. Fine-scale predictability in forest stand dynamics. Ecology 83(5):1204-1208. pdf

Jie Lin, P.A. Harcombe and M. Fulton. 2001. Characterizing shade tolerance by the relationship between mortality and growth in tree saplings in southeastern Texas forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31: 345-349. pdf

Fulton, M. 1999. Patterns in height diameter relationships for selected tree species and sites in eastern Texas. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29: 1445-1448. pdf

Fulton, M. & I.C. Prentice. 1997. Edaphic controls on the boreonemoral forest mosaic. Oikos 78: 291-298. pdf

Fulton, M. 1996. An application of fuzzy set ordination to determine tree habitat suitability of sites from a regional data set. Journal of Vegetation Science 7(5): 739-746. pdf

Fulton, M. 1991. A computationally efficient forest succession model: design and initial tests. Forest Ecology and Management 42: 23-34. pdf

Fulton, M. 1991. Adult recruitment as a function of juvenile growth rate in size-structured plant populations. Oikos 62(1): 102-105. pdf

Fulton, M. 1991. Simulation modeling of the effects of site conditions and disturbance history on a boreal forest landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science 2(5): 603-612. pdf

Other Publications

Fulton, M. 2010. Why don’t trees grow taller? Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, Jan/Feb. (Popular article)

[Multiple Authors] Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Pine Island Bog Horticultural Peat Development (submitted to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, spring 2001).

Harcombe, P.A., R.B. Hall, J.S. Glitzenstein, E.S. Cook, P. Krusic, M.R. Fulton, & D.R. Streng. 1998. sensitivity of Gulf Coast Forests to Climate Change. In: Guntenspergen, G.R. & B.A. Vairin (eds.) Vulnerability of coastal wetlands in the Southeastern United States: climate change research results, 1992-1997. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division Biological Science Report USGS/BRD/BSR-1998-0002. 101 pp.

Fulton, M. 1996. The digital stopwatch as a source of random numbers. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 77(4): 217-218. pdf

Fulton, M. 1993. A rapid simulation model for vegetation stand dynamics including mixed life forms. In: A. Solomon & H.H. Shugart (eds.) Vegetation Dynamics and Global Change. New York. Chapman & Hall.

Fulton, M. 1991. Simulation modelling of some forested landscapes in Sweden. PhD dissertation, Department of Ecological Botany, Uppsala University (Sweden). ACTA UNIVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science 359. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-2844-4.

Fulton, M. 1987. The vegetation and development of young island surfaces in the lower Wisconsin River. M.S. Thesis, Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Madison.