Library Services and Resources

The library’s service hours, catalog (MnPALS), online resources, reference service, and directory can easily be accessed via the library’s home page.

Access to Online Resources

Faculty can access article databases, full-text journals, and other library online resources seamlessly while on the BSU campus network. When accessing resources from off-campus, use the links provided on the library’s online resources page.  This will prompt an authentication page requesting the user’s 14 digit barcode number from their BSU ID card and the password associated with that account, typically the user’s last name.  Please be sure to contact the reference desk to report any issues or to seek assistance with the library’s online resources.

Checkout Privileges
Each faculty member in good standing may have up to 200 items (books, periodical issues, videos, etc.) checked out at any one time.

A borrower may place a hold on any eligible item which is currently checked out by another person. By doing so, once the item is returned it will be set aside for the requestor who will be notified by e-mail of its availability and be given seven days to pick up the item. A faculty member holding a requested item has a right to its use for 28 days. The placing of a hold on an item will automatically change its due date to 28 days from the date of checkout or, if it has already been checked out for more than 21 days, 7 days from when the hold was placed. Should a faculty member need a renewable item for longer than its current loan period, the library encourages the borrower to request a renewal before the item becomes overdue. Renewals can be requested via MnPALS or by phone (755-3342) or in person. Materials in use may also be requested through the library’s interlibrary loan service.

Faculty members may be billed for the replacement of an item which has not been renewed or returned within 28 days of its due date; library borrowing privileges are also blocked at this time.  Once the item is returned, the bill for it will be cancelled and borrowing privileges will be restored. After six months have passed, items that have been billed to the patron are no longer eligible for credit. Overdue notices are sent by e-mail to faculty as a courtesy. All borrowers are expected to be aware of what they have checked out and when such items are due. No items may be checked out from the reference collection.

Interlibrary Loan Service
The Interlibrary Loan home page provides a complete description of the BSU Interlibrary Loan service, including detailed instructions for placing a request for an item, retrieving a document supplied electronically, and requesting a renewal for an item approaching its due date. Links to online request forms can be found on the Interlibrary Loan home page, however, interlibrary loan requesting is also available directly from the MNPALS catalog, as well as from most of the BSU online resources, via the “BSU Links to Full Text” link.”

BSU Interlibrary Loan provides electronic delivery of all articles (non-returnable items) and sends e-mail notifications of the arrival of loaned materials, as returnable materials must be picked up at the Circulation Desk in the library. Faculty members are sent courtesy notices, with date due reminders, and overdue notices to encourage the return of overdue materials. Faculty members are not fined for overdue interlibrary loan items, however blocking of library privileges and charges for replacement fees will result after an item is overdue for 7 and 14 days, respectively.

A delivery service is available for returnable study-related materials (books, videos, etc.) to faculty who reside 30 or more miles from campus or need delivery because of permanent or temporary disability. For a complete description of this service, and an application, visit the Distance Delivery page.

Placing Materials on Course Reserves
The library encourages faculty to use the library's course reserves service to make available to students materials used in support of specific courses. Faculty may place personal items or library-owned holdings on course reserve.

At the instructor's request, the library will recall an item from any borrower should it be needed for placement on course reserves. The library does expect that all items placed on reserve are in compliance with copyright laws. For the options, guidelines, and procedures for placing an item on course reserve, please call the Circulation Desk at 755-3345, or consult the Course Reserves page.
Library Instruction
Library instruction/orientation for classes is available upon request. For specific information, contact the Instructional Services Librarian at 755-3349.

Collection Development
The library encourages faculty to suggest materials to be purchased for the library's collections. In accordance with its collection development policy, the library primarily acquires materials which build a core collection for undergraduate use. Each librarian acts as a collection developer for many subject areas and welcomes faculty input. For more information, to recommend a purchase, and for a list of departmental liaisons, visit the Recommend a Purchase page.