- Forsyth, E., Fraina, M., Johnson, J., Ratts, T. & Whisenant, W. (accepted). Interscholastic vs. Intercollegiate Sports: What are the Administrative Priorities? North American Society for Sport Management. San Diego, CA.
Empirical Articles
- Johnson, J., Elam, N., Fraina, M., Forsyth, E. & Donahue, M. (in press) A Content Analysis of Interscholastic Sport Research in the United States. Journal of Amateur Sport.
- Ratts, T., Forsyth, E., Fraina, M., Johnson, J., Evans, Z. & Whisenant, W. (in review) Prioritizing Education-Based Athletics: Perspectives of High School Athletic Administrators on This Philosophy. International Journal of Sport Management.
- Ratts, T., Forsyth, E., Evans, Z., Johnson, J., Fraina, M. & Whisenant, W. (in review). Analyzing the High School Athletic Administrator Role: Pressing Issues Facing the Position. Journal of Amateur Sport.
- Ratts, T., Forsyth, E., Johnson, J., Fraina, M., Evans, Z. & Whisenant, W. (in progress). Coaches Issues Surrounding Interscholastic Sports: An Updated Look 10 Years Later
Peer Review Articles
- Forsyth, E. & Smith, S. (in review) Recurring Interscholastic Sport Issues Over Three Time-Periods: Part 1. Interscholastic Athletic Administration.
- Forsyth, E. & Smith, S. (in review) Recurring Interscholastic Sport Issues Over Three Time-Periods: Part 2. Interscholastic Athletic Administration.
- Forsyth, E. & Smith, S. (in review) Recurring Interscholastic Sport Issues Over Three Time-Periods: Part 3. Interscholastic Athletic Administration.
- Blackburn, M., Forsyth, E. & Smith, S. (2nd Ed). NIAAA’s Guide to Interscholastic Athletic Administration. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. (in press)
Text Chapters
- Forsyth, E. & Smith, S. (Introduction). Successful Interscholastic Athletic Administration. In Blackburn, et al. (2nd Ed). NIAAA’s Guide to IAA. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. (in press)
- Forsyth, E. Duluth Trading Co. (in review). In Lee, J. (3rd Ed). Branded: Branding in Sport Business. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Forsyth, E. Honey Brake. (in review). In Lee, J. (3rd Ed). Branded: Branding in Sport Business. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Forsyth, E. & Lee, J. (in review). Bass Pro Shops. In Lee, J. (3rd Ed). Branded: Branding in Sport Business. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Forsyth, E. & Lee, J. Mossy Oak. (in review). In Lee, J. (3rd Ed). Branded: Branding in Sport Business. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.