Political Science 1200 - External Studies

Introduction to American Politics

First Exam Study Guide


Students should be able to construct well written, thoughtful answers of approximately 75 words addressing the following questions or statements linked to the various chapters.  The first exam covers Chapters 1 through 5.  The second exam covers chapters 6 through 10.  And the final exam covers chapters 11 through part of 15.  Twenty of the statements or questions will appear on each exam.  You will have to address 15 of them. 


Chapter One - Government and People

1.  What is the reciprocal nature of democratic power?

2.  Distinguish the differences between government, politics and power.

3.  What is public policy?

4.  How is American society changing?


Chapter Two - The Constitutional Framework

1.  How is the Constitution influenced by English traditions and the work of John Locke?

2.  What were the Articles of Confederation and what were three of its weaknesses.

3.  Give a couple of examples of how the framers political motives determined their position on the shape of the proposed constitution at the time of the framing.

4.  Explain the debate between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.

5.  Were the framers elitists protecting their self interest? 


Chapter Three - The Federal System

1.  Explain the advantages of federalism.

2.  Explain the disadvantages of federalism.

3.  Contrast federalism with unitary or non-federal government.

4.  Discuss three of the changes in the federal framework.

5.  What is the long standing controversy regarding the 10th Amendment?

6.  What is the difference between block grants and categorical grants?


Chapter Four - Civil Liberties and Citizenship

1.  Compare the clear and present danger test with the balancing test.

2.  What are civil liberties?  Give examples of they are about freedom.

3.  What is the three part test for determining if something is obscence in Miller vs. California?

4.  Is there a right to privacy in the Constitution?  How?

5.  The free exercise clause and the establishment clause are to achieve what goal?

6.  Explain the significance of two of the following - Miranda vs. Arizona, Gideon vs Wainright, Mapp vs Ohio.


Chapter Five - The Struggle for Equal Rights

1.  What are civil rights?  Give examples of how they are about equality.

2.  Explain the earnings gap.  What might be done about it?

3.  What was the "Trail of Broken Treaties"?

4.  Who is Cesar Chavez?

5.  Discuss the politics of one of the following - the Equal Rights Amendment, Title IX, or abortion.

6.  Is Affirmative Action constitutional?

7.  What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?

8.  Give five major events in the Civil Rights Movment.