Techniques of Neuromuscular Relaxation

Summer 2005 - 1 credit - Meeting: 9:30-10:20 AM – July 5-28


Textbook:                   Optional – Greenberg, Jerrold S.  Comprehensive Stress Management.  8th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002.

Instructor:                  Muriel Gilman, Ph.D.

Office:                         218

Office Hours:             10:00-12:00 AM   Mon - Thurs

Phone:                         755-2740



Course Description:

This course strives to provide the student with a personal understanding of the origins of stress and how one’s body responds.  Stress management interventions will be introduced with emphasis on relaxation techniques.  This course will focus on skill development in Jacobson’s relaxation techniques for improved awareness of muscular tension and methods of releasing muscular tension.


Expected Course Outcomes: 

1.      The student will critically analyze their own level of muscular tension

2.      Students will analyze their stressful behaviors.

3.      The student will demonstrate the ability to solve problems (higher order thinking) by developing a plan for relieving stress in their lives.

4.      The student will develop the skill of releasing excessive muscle tension (a skill that leads to a higher level of wellness.)

5.      The student will demonstrate their ability write an analysis of their stressful behaviors.

6.      The student will demonstrate knowledge of the common causes of stress in our culture and importance/value of relaxation techniques to reduce the physical and physiological effects of stress.


Instructional Method:

  1. Class participation                                                                    6 pts/class (72 pts. total)
  1. Written assignments/self-assessment exercises.              Variable pts (60 pts. total)
  2. Practice log                                                                              56 pts. (2 pts per entry)

3.   Final Written Exam                                                                   40 pts.


A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = 59% or less

Course Evaluation:

  1. There will be a possible 6 points per class meeting awarded for participation.  You may gain 3 of the 6 points for one missed session, if you practice for 30 minutes to make up for the missed practice time.  Any excused absence must be arranged in advance or points will lost.
  2. The many of the written assignments and assessments will be done in-class, however, because this class meets for only 50 minutes, so assignments may need to be completed out of class.  Each will be due at class-time the next day.  These cannot be made up unless you notify the instructor in advance of your absence. 
  3. Practice Log – students will need a bound notebook for this.  Time will be given at the end of each class session for students to reflect on their practice session that day.  This reflection should include the exercises done and the level of relaxation achieved during the session.  That will account for 32 points (2 points per day).  In addition, students are expected to practice out of class for 12 other sessions that involve complete relaxation for 15-20 minutes per session.
  4. The final exam will be comprehensive in format.  Exam content will cover lectures as well as practical knowledge gained.
  5. Students will submit  a 1-2 page typed/word processed summary of the stressors in their life and briefly describe interventions they might use to reduce that stressor.  The summary and interventions need to reflect course content for full points.


*  This material is available in alternative formats.  Should you need this information in large print, Braille or on audiocassette, please notify the instructor.



Tentative Class Schedule


Unless otherwise indicated, the exercises will use Jacobson’s Progressive Neuromuscular Relaxation Techniques


June       Lecture topic                                                        In-class Activity                   Relaxation practice

7/5           Course Introduction                                            People & Stress                    position, Wrist flexion, extension

7/6           Stressors, stress reactivity, GAS                                                                       Biceps/triceps

7/7           Effects and symptoms of stress                        Table 2.1                                ankle flexion, dorsiflexion

7/11         Stress and illness                                                                                                 knee flexion, extension       

7/12         Life events                                                            Life Events                            Abdominals, low back

                                                                                                Hassles Scale

7/13         Assertiveness                                                      Assertiveness Scale            chest

7/14         Communication                                                                                                    upper back,  neck

7/18         Time Management                                               Time log                 mouth, tongue


7/19         Social Support                                                      Social Support Scale            eyebrows, forehead

7/20         Type A Behavior                                                 Type A Inventory                                eyes

7/21         Self-Esteem                                                           Self-esteem inventory         Visualizing


7/25         Anxiety and self-talk                                           Managing Anxiety               speaking

7/26         Exercise to reduction tension                                                                             Review of Jacobson’s Technique

7/27         Other methods to achieve relaxation                                                                Yoga, Meditation , visualization, autosuggestion

7/28         Final written exam                                                                                               

logs due

Written summary of stress and

plan to reduce stressors due