Women's Activities and Achievements Questionnaire

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This is a study about women's interests, goals, activities, and place in family of origin. Your group of professional women in Estonia is one of two groups of female subjects of different ages to be studied. The second group consists of University women between the ages of 17 and 22 years of age from my psychology class at TPU.

This information is anonymous and the data will be compiled using code numbers for each subject taking part in the study. Your privacy will be respected throughout the process. I will be using an interpreter during the interview. The interpreter has been informed about confidentiality and discretion while participating in research of this type. The interview itself will take between 30 minutes to one hour.

Subject Code # _______________

1. Into which of the following categories does your age appear?

  1. 17-22 ______
  2. 35-50 ______
  3. Over 50 ______
2. What is your marital status:
  1. Single
  2. Single with children
  3. Married
  4. Married with children
  5. Divorced
  6. Divorced with children
  7. Widowed
  8. Widowed with children
3. If single, what is your relationship status:
  1. Long-term partner
  2. Multiple partners
  3. Short relationships
  4. Occasional dates
  5. Do not date
  6. Non-sexual friendships only
  7. Prefer male friends
  8. Prefer female friends
  9. No friendships
4. What educational level did you achieve?
  1. First Year
  2. Second Year
  3. Third Year
  4. Fourth Year
  5. Fifth Year
  6. Advanced Study _________________
  7. Professional Degree (MD., JD)
  8. Other _________________
5. Field of Study:
  1. Journalism
  2. Psychology/Sociology
  3. Mathematics
  4. Economics
  5. Sciences
  6. Philosophy
  7. Languages
  8. Russian
  9. History
  10. International Relations
  11. Cybernetics
  12. Other _______________
6. Tell me how you made the decision to choose this course of study?

7. What marks did you receive while in University or graduate study?

8. Choice of Profession:

  1. Medicine
  2. Psychology
  3. Sociology
  4. Languages
  5. Business
  6. Law
  7. Journalism
  8. International Relations
  9. Scientific Research
  10. Psychotherapist
  11. Consultant
  12. Psychiatry
  13. Administration
  14. Other
9. How did you make this choice?

10. What is your specific position title?

11. What type of family did you have as a girl:

  1. Both parents in home
  2. Mother only
  3. Father only
  4. Lived in extended family consisting of
  5. Grandparents only
  6. Adoptive parents
  7. Other ___________
12. Which parent are you most like?
What characteristics do you share?

13. Your Birth Order:
  1. Only
  2. Firstborn
  3. Lastborn
  4. Middleborn
14. Number of Siblings in Family:
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3 or more
15. Gender of siblings:
  1. All girls
  2. More girls than boys
  3. Equal girls and boys
  4. More boys than girls
  5. Only girl in family
16. Who did you play with most when you were a girl?
  1. Boys
  2. Girls
  3. Played alone
  4. No time for play
17. Is there a concept such as "tomboy" in Estonian culture? If so please
explain its meaning.(boyish girl)

18. Did you ever consider yourself a tomboy when you were a girl?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Comments: ______________________________________________________

19.- 21. Identify which of these activities, sports, and play activities you engaged in with girls (G) or boys (B).
Choose one or more or these:

19. Sports:

a. Football ____
b. Baseball ____
c. Volleyball ____
d. Wrestling ____
e. Figure Skating ____
f. Hockey ____
g. Dance ____
h. Tennis ____

i. Gymnastics ____
j. Karate ____
k. Soccer ____
l. Swimming ____
m. Basketball ____
n. Other _________________
20. Play activities:
  1. National dolls
  2. Baby dolls
  3. Dress up
  4. Constuctor set
  5. Doll houses
  6. Cowboys and Indians
  7. Paint of the pavement
  8. Computer games
  9. Jump rope
  10. Children's games such as tag, hide-n-seek,
    if you go slowly you will reach your destination first

    Other (your favorite) ___________________________
    Describe your play with dolls ___________________________

21. Activities:
  1. Pioneer
  2. Palace of Pioneers
  3. Science Club
  4. Band or Orchestra
  5. Choir __________________________
  6. Drama __________________________
  7. Art Club
  8. Car model building
  9. Knowledge Teams
  10. Other __________________
22. Achievements:
  1. Sports Award
  2. Academic Awards
  3. Leadership Awards
  4. Music Awards
  5. Citizenship Awards
  6. Creative Writing Awards
  7. Art Awards
  8. Employee Awards
  9. Other ____________________
23. Health:
    a. Measles
    b. Mumps
    c. Chicken pox
    d. Bulimia
    e. Pneumonia
    f. Injuries
    g. High blood pressure
    h. Hearing impairment
    i. Vision impairment
    j. Physical handicaps
    k. Asthma
    l. Obesity
    m. Anorexia
    n. Migraine
    o. Other______________________
24. With whom do you prefer working?
  1. Men
  2. Women
  3. No preference
Why? ______________________________________________________

25. If gender is not a determinant, what does determine your preference?

26. In your own memory, as a girl, were you similar to other girls you knew, in terms of interests and activities, or did you sense you were on a different path than other girls?
  1. Similar
  2. Different

27. How was your life similar or different?

28. Work experience during your girlhood or early adolescence: (Answer one or more)

  1. Seasonal work
  2. Occasional housework
  3. Regular housework
  4. Full-time work in family business
  5. Regular part-time
  6. Did not work

  7. Other __________________________________________
29. Identify the significant turning points in your life which shaped who you are today. (events, significant people, experiences with success or failure):

30. Goals: (Choose as many as are realistic for you)

a. Career
b. Marriage
c. Family
d. Wealth
e. Helping others
f. University education
g. Advanced training
h. Professional training

i. Health
j. Travel
k. Happiness
l. Preservation of environment
m. Good housing
n. Stable economy
o. Other ___________________
31. Rank of Goals: Please use this space to rank your top 5 goals in the space provided.
  1. Most important ____________
  2. Second in importance ____________
  3. Third in importance ____________
  4. Fourth in importance ____________
  5. Fifth in importance ____________

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Academic Technology Center at atcweb@bemidjistate.edu
Last Updated on September 16, 2004